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Queensland Road Safety Week 2022

This week 22-26 August 2022 is Queensland Road Safety Week, and we thought this was a great time to chat about why we are committed to better road safety and share our Top 10 Tips on what we can all do to improve our roads.

Our 2022 Commitment - "Road Safety Starts With Us"

At Eaton Services Group, we are proud to have a variety of clients spanning industries like education, warehousing, industrial and aged care. These sites all have a unique set of road safety requirements that we must be mindful of and adhere to daily. Each location requires extra attention to keep everyone safe. Whether we are watching for workers crossing the street, patiently waiting for reversing forklifts, driving safely between sites, or looking out for school-aged children on the roads near each school, our team are committed to playing our part in keeping streets safer.

Top 10 Tips to Keeping Safe on Queensland Roads
  1. Drive to the conditions.

  2. Have patience and stay alert when on the road.

  3. Speed kills! Slow down and observe the speed limit.

  4. Looking out for pedestrians, crossings, and cyclists on the road.

  5. Be respectful and only park where it is safe and legal to park.

  6. Buckle up – wear your seat belt correctly.

  7. Rest and recover to avoid driver fatigue.

  8. Avoid distractions whilst driving, including using your mobile phone

  9. Don't drink and drive.

  10. Lead by example, we have a responsibility to teach others (including children) safe road use.

Our behaviour directly contributes to the safety of others travelling in our community, and this Queensland Road Safety Week, our team plan to be extra mindful of the importance of keeping safe on our roads. Let's not get distracted; drive with both hands on the wheel and follow the road rules.

Get Involved Queensland

To learn more about road safety or to get involved with Queensland Road Safety Week 2022, visit; they have plenty of simple ways to make a difference.

For those who consider yourselves Masters of Road Safety, why not take the Queensland Road Signs Quiz Masters edition to test your knowledge? Quiz Link

Photo Credit: Queensland Government - Street Smarts 2022

#QRSW @StreetSmartsQLD #QRSW2022



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